January 6, 2014


2013, the year that lasted a million years.

January 1st, 2013, I was at a missions conference called Urbana.  InterVarsity Press puts it on, and thousands of young people who are interested in missions get together to worship God and talk about ministry.  At midnight, we were jumping up and down, singing our hearts out, and rejoicing in who God is and what He was doing and what He would be doing in our lives.

2013 was the year I graduated from Asbury University and said goodbye to a community that taught me so much and loved me so well.

2013 was the year I went to Honduras for 5 weeks and knew that my heart would be happy anywhere.  I love Haiti, but I love everywhere else, too (thus the blog name).

2013 was the year that I moved to Haiti.  And now, 1 year after that "mountain top" experience at Urbana, I'm a different person, in some good ways and in some not-so-good ways.  This year, I learned just how far my naivete could take me, that I'm idealistic enough to throw caution to the wind and see what happens.  This year, I learned that loving people and trusting people like that could get me really hurt and leave me feeling a bit jaded.

2013 was the year that I learned that no one can make me give up, that no one can stop me when God is by my side.  And He is.  And looking back on my life, every year is better than the last, hardships included. 

2014 is the year that will be even better.  Because I live in an orphanage now, and that's something I've been dreaming of and working toward for a long, long time.  I'm so excited to see where God is going with my life, because He has taken me through a crazy path to get there. 

2014 is the year I refuse to leave!!!!  (But I need your help on that one.  More to come, but please considering giving.  Tell your friends, family, small group, or church!!  I need your help to stay!  Check the link on the right side or visit youcaring.com/LoveOrphans )

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